Monday, July 27, 2009

ADHD message board

I was trying to find some sort of information about groups that support families with ADHD. Since we are blogging, I thought it would be a great idea to include this blog that I found about people that have ADHD, and parents of children who have ADHD. Here they are able to talk with other people who are going through the same type of struggles that they are going through.

This is where people can tell their stories about what they went through trying to figure what was wrong with them, how doctors were misdiagnosing their disease, some people had to try a whole bunch of different drugs in order to find the right one for themselves. One of the first ones I read was about a man who was ready to end his life, because he couldn't deal with his illness anymore, he thought he was bi-polar, but then he found out that he had ADHD, so he went off his medication. He was taking Prozac, and then he switched over to Adderall, and his whole life got better.

This is a great way for people to be able to talk about their symptoms, and get feedback from pother people who have the same problems. It's also good in that it's anonymous. These people can talk about their lives, and the problems that they are having in a non threatening manner, and have other people support them. I talk to people at work about my blog, and I tell them that I'm researching ADHD, and again I do not want to offend anyone, but a lot of people there do not believe in ADHD. I think a lot of people out there that are not directly affected by ADHD, or have any experience with it, they do not believe in it. As in, it does not exist, all these children out there on the medication, are doped up, and they just need to go outside and play.

I was interested in one of the posts, midnight 22, they were talking about having found out they had add with some hyperactivity, and a lot of the things he was talking about was so spot on with the way that I talk about things. It was very hard for him to finish school. This is my third college I've been to, and I started in 1998, and I still don't have my degree. Every time I finish a semester I get bored, and try and find some way to get out of coming back. I was almost not going to come back in the next few weeks. I just got offered a job, but they let me postpone starting it, until I finish the next semester. If I get bored again, maybe I'll take it. He also talked about how he was very determined. This is like my motto. I use this word all the time. If I don't know how to do something, or I think something is too hard to do, I only get through it, using my determination. I'm also easily overwhelmed. The past two terms, I've worked 32 hours every week. I had so much going on, I couldn't concentrate on how to do the work. I would read all the syllabi's for my classes, but it was too much, I couldn't take it in, or understand what I was supposed to do. I would have my husband read the syllabus for me, and he would compile a master list, and then tell me daily what I needed to do. I could never have gotten through all this without him. I've seen some of the other student's planners, with their work all written out, and they would just go through it all, and they could talk about what they had done, and what they still needed to do. I could not do that. He had to go away while I've been doing this class, but before he left, he made me a chart of what I needed to do, and I put check marks next to things when I finish them. Thankfully it's only one class, otherwise I would be having an anxiety attack.
I think all these people with ADHD need to have a partner to help them out. I think it would go much easier with them.

1 comment:

  1. I have looked up blogging sites before that focus on different disorders. I think that it is a fabulous tool and resource for young adults and parents. It not only shares information and tools or techniques that can be helpful regarding the specific disorder or dissability, but it also shares peoples feelings and struggles. Hearing that someone else is experiencing similar struggles and thoughts or feelings as you are is sometimes extremely comforting, even though they may be negative experiences.
    The website above has some information on Functional Medicine and dietary changes for people with Autism and/or ADHD. Much of the information I have found says that ADHD children also benefit, similar to Children with Autism, from the GFCF-diet (gluten free, casein free-diet).
    This website is a hollistic, non-traditional way of healing and lists different nutritional information and lifestlye info. that can help benefit the behavior of children with ADHD.
    Your information is extremely interesting. I really like your blog!
