Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I wanted to focus this week on some of the alternative therapies that I've come across in my research. I wanted to learn a little bit more about biofeedback. I have no idea what this was, so if you want to learn more as well, you can try this site that I found.

This therapy involves placing one or more sensors on the scalp and one to each ear. These sensors are then connected to a device which shows the electrical activity of the brain, referred to as brain waves. From the EEG, the therapist helps the client to associate specific mental states with his/her brain waves. Feedback regarding brain activity is presented to the client via a video game in which the brightness and speed of a Pacman like figure corresponds to a preset threshold. The therapist guides the client by telling him/her to make the video game work with his/her brain.

As brain waves in the desirable frequency occur, the video game moves faster, or an alternative reward is given. However if brain waves in the undesirable frequency occur, then the video game is hindered. Since EEG Biofeedback training is a learning process, progress is gradual. For most conditions, initial improvements can be observed within ten sessions. In the case of hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, training usually is recommended for about forty sessions and more sessions may be needed depending on the severity. Whereas, some symptoms related to head injury such as quality of sleep, fatigue, and chronic pain frequently improve in less than twenty sessions (EEG Spectrum website, 2000).

I had never heard of this type of therapy before, and I really just brushed over it in my earlier readings. I didn't really understand what this was about. The site said that this therapy has been researched for the past twenty years, so it's not like it's something that they just came up with. Seriously though, this sounds a lot like science fiction to me.However, I don't totally discount this. I've read in the past two years that the video game industry has been working on a type of equipment that you place over your head, and you can control the video game with your mind. If your interested in it, you can read more about it on the site below.

Supposedly I guess doing the biofeedback helps to train your brain to think in a less distracted manner, is what I understand from this. It doesn't sound too bad, and I guess it's helpful.

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