Tuesday, August 4, 2009

nature therapy

I was thinking about some of the alternative therapies that they have for ADHD, and I was remembering how in developmental concerns, we talked about nature therapy. I was wondering if they don't have something like that for ADHD. So, I was looking around, and i found the site redcliffascent.com. They help a variety of teenagers from 13-18 that have different problems, and ADHD was listed as one of them. This program is for children a little bit above our age range. I also found talismancamps.com, this is for children 8-12. some of the activities were rock climbing and rafting. I wouldn't mind going to this camp. It was however $2400 for 12 days, so $200 a day for them to sleep in a cabin, and have fun doing these activities. I wouldn't send my kid. This is too pricey. Of course, they'll get to be with other kids like them, and have that feeling of camaraderie, and they might learn some things to help them out during the school year. Seriously though, I'd save the money, and take my whole family on vacation. Maybe I'll search the web, and sprinkle some of the therapy throughout my trip. This camp must be for rich people.

prweb.com has an article about the effects of the wilderness on children with ADHD. They talked about how they felt calmer, they were more able to concentrate, and they were less impulsive. I don't know, I get so irritated when I read stuff like this though. Of course the wilderness has a calming influence on these children. I feel a lot calmer too, when I'm not in school, or being constricted by some sort of schedule, that maps out every area of the day. These children are outside breathing air, not the recycled stuff coming through their air conditioners and heaters. A lot of children live in either apartments in the city, or suburban or urban areas, where they hear traffic all day long, and just all that noise of a thousand people all living together in one tiny area. They never get to see any real nature. 95% of the available land in Cincinnati is developed. Where can you go anywhere in this city and not hear unnatural things? Even when you're in a forest, you can hear the highway just on the other side of it. Most children go home and play video games or watch TV. I don't think a lot of parents let their children go to the park every day, which it seems to be such a benefit for these children. I don't know 'nature therapy'. Do you really even need the second word? Isn't that what nature is? Therapy?

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